Sunday, September 27, 2015

My First New York Marathon 1981

  Fred Lebow receives from Sri Chinmoy a track-suit as members of the Marathon Team sing a song written by Sri Chinmoy for the occasion. Sri Chinmoy and Fred Lebow kept all their life a very close friendship and the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team supported the New York City Marathon with up to 300 helpers from 1980 – 2000.
I ran the New York City Marathon 17 times and 16 times  under 3 hours and with a best time of 2:42. (1981-2000).

Sri Chinmoy Meets with Emil Zatopek 8th July 1980

Entertainment at Saturday night's private Sri Chinmoy Centre dinner included musical performances by the two super-stars. Sri Chinmoy performed Indian devotional music on his esraj: Zatopek, with his wife, Dana, on the guitar, countered with a series of folk songs from around the world. The evening was topped off with the surprise viewing of a video cassette of American Sri Chinmoy singers performing 17 songs about Emil and his wife, taken from Sri Chinmoy's new book 'Emil Zatopek: Earth's Tearing Cry, Heaven's Beaming Smile.'
Sunday's activities began with the Zurich 'Sri Chinmoy 10Km Run.' Zatopek, who started the race and presented the awards,

My life as a child in a remote Swiss valley

My first memory I had when I was skiing at age three. Until age seventeen I spent many weekends in the Swiss mountains. And most vacations I spent in this valley "Klöntal“, where during the winter months just my grand-parents and two farmers lived. 1978 I spent vacations in the Vallis with climbs of Grand Cornier, a 3,962 m (12,999 ft) mountain in the Pennine Alps in Switzerland. Here you see Bruno after a difficult 4th Grade climb on wet rocks and lots of falling stones on Pointe de Moiry, 3303 m.